Monday, February 29, 2016

OUGD402 Lord Whitney Studio Talk

Last week we visited Lord Whitney's amazing creative studio space where they specialise in creative direction, set design and art direction. They gave us such an inspirational and motivational talk that I personally really benefitted from. I found it really engaging to hear and follow their story of how they got from university to where they are today. One of the main things that was made clear during their presentation was to keep doing what you do because you love it, keep making creative things and turn something that you love into a career. Initially they both started out not being very confident that they could make a living out of what they do, but they did it anyway, and people started to notice, which is how they began to get paying clients to come to them. I really enjoyed the talk because it made me feel more confident that if I am passionate about something, I can make it work if I persevere. It also made me realise that it is a lot of hard work and I need to be willing to put everything behind it. One thing that I particularly liked was the fact that both girls seemed very down to earth and easy to talk to, because they are young also, I felt that they could relate well to how all of us are feeling now which aided their presentation.

Reflecting on their talk has made me want to go out and ask for experience at design studios like this or work at a festival as this was something they highly recommended. 

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