Monday, April 9, 2018

OUGD602 Ey Up Glug Vs Ladies Wine & Design

Ey Up Glug Vs Ladies Wine & Design:

A collaboration between the Leeds chapters of Ladies wine and design and Glug to showcase fierce female creatives and digital practitioners.


Malin Persson - Glug HQ

- Originally from Sweden 
- Communication Design in Sydney
- Dropped out to study Graphic Design in London’s Ravensbourne
- Discovered that she preferred doing the production side of the creative industries.
- Dropping out and starting again made her realise what she really wanted to do.
- Attitude and how your present yourself is as important as your work.

Cari Kirby - Team Cooper

- Marketing manager for Team Cooper
- Struggled to come back into industry after she had children.
- Found at work that is flexible for her - part time
- Flexibility in the workplace can improve productivity
- Make life work for you

Olivia Downing - Founder of Chics in Advertising

- Comedian in Paris
- Realised no one knew who she was so it didn't matter if she failed.
- She wanted to do more things and break out of her comfort zone.
- Showed stats which showed that female creatives have a disadvantage 
- Started her group in Manchester to change this and it has grown ever since.

Ellen Ling - LOVE

- Creative copywriter from Love in Manchester 
- Did D&AD marketing and admin
- Taking every opportunity to discover that copywriting is her passion
- You don't need everything figured out yet and don't be afraid to fail.

I found all of the talks to be really motivational and I felt empowered afterwards to keep trying and taking every opportunity that I can get. As I struggle with my confidence it was good to point out that people don't know you so it doesn't matter if you fail because you can just keep trying again.

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