Tuesday, March 7, 2017

OUGD502 Saul Studio Talk

Saul Studio Talk:

Dan from Saul Studio came in today to talk through his work and give us some helpful advice. While studying graphic design at Leeds University he decided that he wanted to be proactive with his work and even set up his own publication, 'The Yorkshire Boast' where he commissioned an illustrator to help. He encouraged us to start doing things now to really push our skill and passion. 

Initially he set up as with a friend as 'Logan and Saul' but his friend decided that graphic design wasn't for him. This encouraged Dan to be a lot more self initiated, and wanting to do his own projects, such as 'The Coffee Shop Project'. He approached a photographer, Justin Slee, after seeing his ballet photography exhibition. They agreed to work together to put together a publication of coffee shops in the north (Coffee Shop North). To fund the project he had to set up a Kickstarter, which means he had to give 'gifts' for donations and he was only allowed the money if the target was met.

He had underestimated the overall cost of certain aspects but still managed to publish his book. There was also an issue of thinking further regarding distribution, but he still managed to get his book stocked in Berlin / Tokyo. It was also nominated for a Best British Book Design and Production Award.

He passed his publication round for us all to get a better look and feel. I really liked the publication as a lot of care for stock and finishing techniques had gone into the design. The typeface is unique and has lot's of character. 

Dan has also worked on identity, film, apparel, record, catalogue, poster, booklet, exhibition and editorial. 

He mentioned that he has done a design for the identity of The Hepworth Prize for Sculpture but his idea didn't get chosen. I thought that showing the work for that brief was really important, to be proud of what you have done even if it doesn't get chosen for a brief.

Top tips:
- Attitude is important to make it work
- Find people that understand you and challenge you
- Collect graphic design / all design
- Find your niche
- It's not as pretty as it looks
- Make it work for you
- Important to do personal projects
- Social media important for connections

Overall I found the talk really useful as it was very honest, it was also interesting to here about freelancing as this is something I have really considered myself.

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