Wednesday, January 31, 2018

OUGD602 Rose Nordin

Rose Nordin:

A freelance graphic designer and illustrator based in London, interested in self publishing and DIY culture.

- Museum of London
- Book Works
- Offprint London
- Tate Collectives

2016 - Publishing practices in SEAsia, British Council
2015 - The Library Was, Book Works, Art Council England

- The Floating Cinema, Gif Us Zines 0.2
- Open School East, New Producers print poster making
- Tate Modern, Offprint London, Gif Us Zines
- Southbank Centre WOW festival, FanZine making
- Bishopgate Institute, Radical Takeover, Radical self publishing
- Tate Modern, Turbine Festival, Make a Manifesto Zine

Selected Talks:
- Inive, Journey through zine cultures
- Awe Gallery, Self Publishing London & Kuala Lumpur
- Tate Collectives, Women, Publishing and Autonomy
- Pick Me Up Fair Comms Bureau, A History of Riot Girl Zines
- Print Out with Stack and MagCulture, New Beginnings

- BA Illustration and Animation
- MA Visual Communication

The Library Was

Gif Us Zines

What Women Believe


- Part of the OOMK collective they make, publish and distribute books and printed works which arise from self-initiated projects. They also commission new works by women artists and co-curate DIY Cultures, one of the UK’s largest annual independent publishing fairs.

- Has a print and editorial focus

- Self directed projects

- Artist in resident at Somerset House

- Women's activist magazine - focus on creative women

- Print should be printed rather than digitally mocked up - try to avoid that.

- What Women Believe exhibition - publication

- 6 month residency future libraries 

- Designed Shy Radicals (Book)

- British Council art residency - allows you to learn and explore a project.

In the workshop that Rose put on we had to create a zine within a couple of hours. The zine was based on the alphabet and words related to the creative industries. We each had a letter that we had to produce a design for. 

In groups we came up with the A - Z of related words:

I worked on the letter 'O' and had the word 'Open-minded':

The task was quite challenging as we had limited resources available, but the finished outcome is really interesting and engaging to see how people have interpreted their word. It was also quite nice to work on a project collaboratively, working together as a team. Having a finished outcome at the end of the day that we could all take home was also nice as it showed that if you work quickly you can achieve good outcomes. Working in this DIY style also allowed you to be as experimental as you want without any restrictions or reservations of what is right or wrong.

Lexicon of Industry:

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