Monday, November 6, 2017

OUGD602 Contact List

Task 1:
Draw up a list of 12 studios, agencies, professionals or potential collaborators who you would like to contact or work with.

I have found 12 studios which specialise in packaging design and branding. This is because it is the area of design I am most interested and passionate about. The ones that I have found are all UK based and have strong portfolios that reflect the type of work that I like.

Robot Food

Robot Food are an independent strategic branding agency specialising in consumer insight, brand positioning, communication and cut-through design. Robot Food is a reasonably small studio consisting of about 19 people. The work they produce is bright, bold and engaging packaging design. I previously contacted the founder Simon last year.

R Design

R Design are a compact and proudly independent branding and packaging agency. They have worked with some big clients such as Tesco, Boots, Millie's Cookies and M&S.

Mayday London

A packaging design agency consisting of 10 people, keeping simplicity and clarity at the heart of what they do.

Design Happy

Design Happy are a hands on, independent branding & packaging design agency consisting of 10.

Together Design

Together Design brings energy and personality to brands, helping them better connect with people.


An award-winning, independent brand design consultancy. From their home in London they work for brands around the world, from the big and global to the small and local.

Family and Friends

Family (and friends) uses strategic thinking and crafted design to create real joy and affection for everyday brands.

Chilli UK

A specialist strategic brand and packaging agency that’s dedicated just to food.


BrandMe is a privately owned strategic brand development, design and innovation consultancy. 

Design Activity

Branded packaging and shopper marketing creative specialists.

Digital Creative Packaging

Manchester based studio specialising in branding and packaging design.

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